Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mold in the Workplace

Mold is a serious problems not only in homes, but also in the places where we work. Employers and landlords should take special care to make sure their properties are not infested with mold and they should do this not only because the value of their property will decrease as the infestation spreads, but also because anyone working or living in the property will suffer adverse health effects.

All kinds of medical conditions can be attributed to mold: development of asthma, bleeding in the lungs, chronic dandruff, colds, coughing incessantly, fatique, skin rashes, and more. If you notice any more than a few of your employees exhibiting these and other health complications, you should take a look around your property and see if you can detect any mold growing on your own. If you can’t, talk to your employees, especially new hires, and ask them if they had these problems before they started working for you. If the answer is “no”, you might have a hidden mold problem on your hands and it could be time to call in a professional.

If the mold inspector does indeed find mold, it’s time to inform your employees that remediation is going to begin and what measures are going to be taken. Telling your workers that mold exists where they work is a recommendation of the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and you should follow it.

Inform your employees when the remediation will begin and approximately when it will begin. Any employees that exhibit any health complications that could have been caused by exposure to mold should be advised to go to their doctor and be referred to someone who knows about mold health consequences and treatments that can be done to encourage recovery.

After the remediation is completed, the property must pass a test proving that it is safe for people to return to work. Don’t try to cut corners here; the sooner you get the mold problem fixed, the sooner you can allow your workers to return and resume production.

If someone develops a medical condition because of the mold you allow to grow on your property (meaning you were notified that it existed and did nothing), you could be liable for more than just their medical bills, but it’s up to them to prove that you knew about the problem. Your best bet to make sure you don’t suffer legal consequences for the mold growth in your workplace is to have it removed as soon as you discover it.